
Wednesday, May 28, 2008

Black Magic,

What Is Black Magic?

Black magic or dark magic is a type of magic that draws on malevolent powers. It may be used for malevolent acts or to deliberately cause harm in some way. It is alternatively spelt with a 'k' (magick), this term is also known as black magick, dark magick, the dark arts of magick and dark side magick.
In fiction it refers to evil magic. In modern times, people who believe in or claim to practice magic use the term to describe the harmful magic that they consider immoral, as opposed to the good white magic.
Black magic would be invoked to kill, injure, or cause destruction, or for personal gain without regard to harmful consequences to others. As a term, "black magic" is normally used to describe a form of ritual that some group or person does not approve of.

Sometimes a cliche just wears out. It loses meaning or, worse, begins to say things we never meant. I think it's time to retire the phrase "black magic."Saying "black" when we mean "evil" is nasty nonsense. In the first place, it reinforces the racist stereotypes that corrupt our society. And that's not all. Whenever we say "black" instead of "bad," we repeat again the big lie thatdarkness is wrong. It isn't, as people who profess to love Nature should know.Darkness can mean the inside of the womb, and the seed germinating within the Earth, and the chaos that gives rise to all truly new beginnings. In our myths, the one who goes down to the underworld returns with the treasure. Even death, to the Wiccan understanding, is well-earned rest and comfort, and a preparation for new birth. Using "black" to mean "bad" is a blasphemy against the Crone.But even if we no longer speak of magic as "black" or "white," we still need to think and speak about the ethics of magic. Although black is not evil, some actions are evil. It simply is not true that anything a person is strongenough or skilled enough to do is OK, nor should doing what we will ever be the whole of the law for us. We need a clear and specific vocabulary that enables us to choose wisely what we will do.

All as One: All forms of magic are evil, or black magic. This view generally associates black magic with Satanism. The persons that maintain this opinion include those belonging to most branches of Christianity, Islam, Judaism, and Hinduism. Some people on the left-hand path would agree that all magic, whether called "white" or "black," is the same.

Gnostic Luciferian:
Dark Magick and Dark Arts refer to work involving the estranged, twisted and forgotten aspects of nature and self. An evil intent is not necessarily present in the Dark Magician. The Dark Arts are also a set of methods for pursuing genuine self-knowledge and mental emancipation.

Dark Doctrine: Black magic refers to the powers of darkness, usually seen from a Left-Hand Path point of view. This may or may not contrast with White magic, depending on the sorcerer's acceptance of dualism.

Formal Differences: The forms and components of black magic are different, due to the different aims or interests of those casting harmful spells, than those of white.
This distinction is primarily observable in folk magic, but pertains to other types of magic also.

No Connection: Black and white magic are both forms of magic, but are completely different from the base up and are accomplished differently, even if they achieve similar effects.
Separate but Equal: Black and white magic are exactly the same thing, differentiated only by their end goals and intent. According to this theory, the same spell could be either white or black; its nature is determined by the end result of the spell. The majority of religions follow this belief, as does the remainder of fiction that does not follow the No Connection theory

Is Palmistry A Science?

Is palmistry a science? Modern science has not yet found the approach by which it can bring the study of palmistry in the rigid frame work of the word "Science". Science has its own limitations. There are several experiences which prove the sound basis of palmistry and it is always the experience in a particular field that paves the way to further research and make that experience an exact science. However, in spite of the great development of modern science in various fields, it has failed to produce appliances and means which can prove palmistry as a science. This science has its foundation and experience and so we can call it as an emperical science.

Elements And Forces As in Magic

The Ancients divided the world into four basic principles or "elements" -- earth, water, fire, and air. That viewpoint has mostly changed with advances of science, but the four elements are still accepted in magic, for they are more closely linked with the emotions than modern explanations of the world. Many occultists think of the magical elements as forces, or as *qualities* of energy; especially within the astral world. Each element has a symbol and color. (Common symbols are -- fire: a triangle pointing up; air: a triangle pointing up and with a horizontal line through the middle of it; water: a triangle pointing down; earth: a triangle pointing down and with a horizontal line through the middle of it.) Colors of the elements are -- earth: brown and green; water: blue; fire: red; air: yellow...The Eastern tattvic system uses different symbols and colors. The elements are often used in magic ritual.

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